Road transport
Oversized? No problem!
20 years of experience
Any cargo from 1 kilo up to ... tons
Conducted with the greatest possible care and efficiency
A great deal of specialized expertise
Only the best people and the best equipment
Fleet equipped with GPS navigation
Also a supplier of cargo insurance
Exceptional in road transport
When it comes to road transport, we can handle cargoes from 1 kilo to 100 tons. Whether this involves one-way road transport, import or export, or domestic of international transport, we carry out all orders with the greatest possible care and efficiency. Exceptional road transport involves more than driving from A to B. It also demands specialised expertise related to cargoes, routes, permits and safety: the kind of expertise we have in abundance. Our experienced drivers and our affiliated charters guarantee the perfect transport of your cargo.

Maximum control
When it comes to road transport, we can handle cargoes from 1 kilo to 100 tons. Whether this involves one-way road transport, import or export, or domestic of international transport, we carry out all orders with the greatest possible care and efficiency. Exceptional road transport involves more than driving from A to B. It also demands specialised expertise related to cargoes, routes, permits and safety: the kind of expertise we have in abundance.

Cargo insurance
We offer cargo insurance upon request! You can ask us about the costs and conditions per particular case.